Monday, July 7, 2008

About pets

No, I don't have any due to the difficulty in getting the type I want, however the Humane Society of the United States (not to be confused with the real Humane Society) likes to use the ideas of a high school drop out in determining animal behavior to decide which dogs live and which dogs die when they get rescued and put into a shelter.

Pit bulls are basically summarily executed because "fighting is in their blood" which is about the biggest load of bull I've seen in a while. Endogenous Retrovirus, a blogger on science blogs has a good post on the latest antics of the HSUS that can be read at here

Personally I've tried to read the information linked to from that blog post about the slime of a human John Goodwin, yet I find myself unable to really stomach the stuff this guy has done. So the long and short of this post is that some uneducated scumbag not fit to call human is working at the HSUS and deciding to kill off all Pit's that come into shelters mainly because he doesn't like them, because there's no real evidence to support his views, in fact Pit's as I recall don't even top the charts for being the most aggressive dogs. A little bit of googleing shows that there are studies debunking the hereditary aggression notion as well as Pit bulls being the most aggressive dogs. I could link these findings, but I think it's better for people interested to do their own research since it's so easy to find this information on google. Still one well done study I found will be provided for those readers too lazy to searh, (pdf)

It's a pdf so readers follow that link be warned, not that there's anything malicious in that pdf, I just don't like being linked to pdf's without warning. People who want to view it as html can use this link.

So yeah, that basically covers my thoughts on this thing. I really don't like high school drop outs using BS logic to kill off creatures that deserve a better life than they have been given. I fully admit that adopting a dog trained for aggression is a dangerous thing to do, but a competent trainer can undo that damage if they are given the chance. Killing dogs or anything simply because someone has the idea that aggression is in their blood is flat out wrong, and frankly I think it qualifies as murder. Dog's might not be human, but if someone were enslaved and trained as a killer then rescued wouldn't they deserve the chance to recover? People are smart, so one might try to say it's totally different, but I've seen some very smart cats and dogs, ones smarter than some humans I know, so I think if a human should get a second chance why not a dog?